Male Condom Vs Female Condom -
Which One Is More Effective?

Condoms are an effective method of birth control, and they also protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Using a condom during sexual activity can help prevent unwanted pregnancies and protect the sexual health of both partners. There are primarily two categories of condoms male condoms and female condoms. Male condoms are typically made of latex or polyurethane and are worn on the penis to prevent pregnancy and the spread of sexually transmitted infections. Female condoms are typically made of nitrile or polyurethane and are inserted into the vagina before intercourse to also prevent pregnancy and the spread of sexually transmitted infections. Both types of condoms are an effective form of birth control and disease prevention when used properly.
However, there are differences between the two, and their effectiveness varies. So, before we jump to conclusions, let's see which of the two is more effective at making your lovemaking epic!